The Regional Life Sciences Cluster
- 900 companies, incl. 40% of the biggest pharmaceuticals in the world,
>100 Mia USD global T/O and ca. 20 Mia USD in profit - 40 scientific institutions
- 100‘000 students
- 12 Universities and Academic Institutes
- 11 Life Sciences Parks
- 1‘000 – 2‘000 new jobs / year
Contribution of Life Sciences to Growth

Basel Area‘s USP
- Bridging borders to Germany/France and serving as entry/exit point for centuries
- Strong focus on the „outside world“ as 2/3 of the surrounding area is not in Switzerland
- Openness as a prerequisite for a successful regional development
- Exposure to non-domestic issues (tradition, behavior, people)
- Ability to integrate (and establishment of appropriate forums)
- Large talent pool for new ideas and industries
- Reasonable size of the area fosters integration and interaction